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a bloody nose

  • 1 bloody

    battle krwawy; hands zakrwawiony; ( BRIT, inf!) cholerny (inf)

    bloody strong/good (inf!) — cholernie silny/dobry (inf)

    * * *
    1) (stained with blood: a bloody shirt; His clothes were torn and bloody.) zakrwawiony
    2) (bleeding: a bloody nose.) krwawiący
    3) (murderous and cruel: a bloody battle.) krwawy
    4) (used in slang vulgarly for emphasis: That bloody car ran over my foot!) cholerny

    English-Polish dictionary > bloody

См. также в других словарях:

  • Bloody nose — The nose is a part of the body that is very rich in blood vessels (vascular) and is situated in a vulnerable position on the face. As a result, any trauma to the face can cause bleeding which may be profuse. Nosebleeds can occur spontaneously… …   Medical dictionary

  • bloody-nose beetle — bloodˈy nose beetle or bloodˈy nosed beetle noun A beetle (genus Timarcha) that exudes red liquid when disturbed • • • Main Entry: ↑bloody …   Useful english dictionary

  • bloody nose — noun A nose that is bleeding internally. Syn: bloodied nose …   Wiktionary

  • get a bloody nose — give (someone) a bloody nose to defeat or damage someone, but not permanently or seriously. They got a bloody nose when their new satellite channel failed due to lack of funding …   New idioms dictionary

  • give someone a bloody nose — give (someone) a bloody nose to defeat or damage someone, but not permanently or seriously. The pro europeans gave their opponents a bloody nose in the debate …   New idioms dictionary

  • give a bloody nose — give (someone) a bloody nose to defeat or damage someone, but not permanently or seriously. The pro europeans gave their opponents a bloody nose in the debate …   New idioms dictionary

  • bloody — bləd ē adj, blood·i·er; est 1 a) containing or made up of blood b) of or contained in the blood 2 a) smeared or stained with blood b) dripping blood: BLEEDING <a bloody nose> blood·i·ly bləd əl ē adv …   Medical dictionary

  • give someone a bloody nose — inflict a resounding defeat on someone. → nose …   English new terms dictionary

  • bloody — bloodily, adv. bloodiness, n. /blud ee/, adj., bloodier, bloodiest, v., bloodied, bloodying, adv. adj. 1. stained or covered with blood: a bloody handkerchief. 2. bleeding: a bloody nose. 3. characterized by bloodshed: bloody battle; a bloody… …   Universalium

  • nose — noun 1》 the part projecting above the mouth on the face of a person or animal, containing the nostrils and used in breathing and smelling. 2》 a person s or animal s sense of smell.     ↘the aroma of a particular substance, especially wine.… …   English new terms dictionary

  • bloody — adjective 1) his bloody nose Syn: bleeding 2) bloody medical waste Syn: bloodstained, blood soaked, gory; archaic sanguinary 3) a bloody civil war Syn: vicious, feroc …   Thesaurus of popular words

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